How to Drink Wine Like an Expert

How to Drink Wine Like an Expert

How to Drink Wine Like an Expert

Wine, the most decadently drink on the planet. A drink you enjoy with all your senses. A marvelous liquid that can turn any reunion into a party. Being so unique, it’s a good idea to learn all you can about this fermented drink, starting with how to drink wine.

How to drink wine and how to taste wine are two different things because the most immense pleasure in a glass of wine comes from tasting it. Wine tasting is like going on a safari; you explore with your nose and palate and discover unique flavors, textures, and aromas. Some are forward and easy to identify, but others are subtle and shy.

There’s a great sense of accomplishment when you taste a particular wine and identify aromas redolent of red cherries, dark chocolate, or freshly cracked peppercorns. That’s what wine lovers do; they stick their noses in the glass and discover the wine’s secrets. 

How do you properly drink wine? With mindfulness, patience, and concentration. You don’t just chuck it as if it were tequila; you savor it. 

What is the best way to drink red wine? Red wine is more complex than white, yet both are very pleasing. Red wine needs you to focus a bit more on the texture, the gritty particles in your mouth that cause a drying, puckering sensation. White wines are often easier to drink and enjoy, but they can be less rewarding. 

The truth is, there’s no right way of drinking wine. You’ll look equally awkward drinking wine like water in a formal wine tasting than if you follow all the steps of a serious tasting at your friend’s party. It all has to do with the type of wine you’re drinking, the occasion, and the company. 

The only right answer is you should always drink wine responsibly. That’s the most important thing because although wine is tasty and even healthy, too much of it will make you act irresponsibly, and you could even put your health in danger.

Having said that, we’re talking about the right way to drink wine, from the most common questions about wine drinking to a proper wine tasting following a sommelier’s methodology.

Fasten your seat belts and pour yourself a glass of wine because we’re digging deep into the art of wine tasting. After reading this, you’ll be drinking wine like a pro, and that’s very cool.

How to drink wine for beginners

How should a beginner drink wine? First and foremost, with responsibility. If you’re new to wine, you don’t know how much is enough. You have to learn how your body will react after one, two, or five glasses of wine. Then, we recommend you take wine drinking in a cool, calm, and collected way. Patience is the key to appreciate wine.

If you want to drink heavily, there are many other drinks out there better at that, and they’re often cheaper than wine. If you want to enjoy wine at its fullest, then drink slowly — every sip is tons of pleasure if you know what you’re doing.


Here are the most common questions from beginners about drinking wine:

Can I drink wine with water? You should not combine wine and water. Of course, you can, but by diluting it, you’re lowering its alcoholic strength but also its aromas and flavors. Chances are watered-down wine will taste awful, or at least plain and dull.

Can I drink a bottle of wine a day? Again, you can if you have the money for it, but you really shouldn’t. If you’re a man, two glasses of wine a day are appropriate, and that’s one glass for women. Drinking one bottle of wine every day will probably damage your liver and kidneys, you’ll also develop resistance to alcohol, and soon one bottle won’t be enough for you. A few bottles of wine a week are not all that bad, but we’re all different, so get to know yourself.

Is it good to drink red wine before bed? Drinking red wine before bed will definitely help you have a good night’s sleep, but it will also dehydrate you, possibly damaging your liver and kidneys. Of course, you’ll also probably going to wake up with a hangover. It’s not that drinking wine every night is bad, but you’ll be better off enjoying it with dinner. 

Is it OK to drink wine every night? Again, not every night, but drink wine now and then, and you’ll be fine. It’s all about moderation; that’s the secret behind enjoying wine and its health benefits. 

What time is best to drink wine? There’s no best time to drink wine. You probably want to avoid it early in the morning, but drinking a glass with lunch is totally acceptable, as long as you don’t have to go back to work. Wine is more enjoyable when shared with friends over a nice meal, making wine more appropriate for dinner.

What can we mix with red wine? If you’re wondering, ‘What can I mix with wine?’ the answer is not an easy one. Inexpensive wine is quite tasty with lemonade as a sangria, or even with coke. High-quality wine, though, should never be mixed with anything, not even water. You want to be able to appreciate all the flavors and aromas in wine, so why ruin it?

Can we drink red wine in empty stomach? Some people say you should drink wine with food, and that’s partially true because you won’t get drunk as fast, but some types of wine, especially the light-bodied red wines, rosé, white and sparkling wines, are lovely apéritifs and can be enjoyed before your meal. In fact, they’ll make you even hungrier!

How to drink wine properly

If you want to drink wine properly, you should follow these guidelines:

  1. Use a proper stemmed wine glass. If it’s made from crystal, even better.
  2. Make sure your glasses are clean and odor-free.
  3. Taste wine in a place with no distractions with like-minded people.
  4. Take notes. Write down every flavor and aroma you find. These notes will help you learn more about your wine preferences. 
  5. Drink wine at the right temperature, from 4° to 10° for whites and from 10° to 16° for reds. That way, you’ll allow all the aromas in wine to shine through.
  6. Drink wine responsibly. Wine is about slow and steady drinking. If you want to binge drink, choose vodka instead.

How do you properly drink wine? Using all your senses. Look at the wine and admire its beauty. Is it straw-colored or brightly golden? Is it ruby red or crimson-hued and opaque? 

Then smell it and try to identify its aromas. There’s a chart below to help you identify the aromas faster. Don’t worry; the more you taste wine, the better you will identify aromas and flavors. 

Finally, have a sip and analyze wines acid levels, mouthfeel, and finish. Most importantly, ask yourself if you find the wine pleasing because that’s the most important thing! You can enjoy both inexpensive and very expensive wine. We all like different things.

Some typical aromas in white wine are:

  • Lemons
  • Limes
  • Orange peels
  • Apples
  • Pears
  • Apricots
  • Mango
  • Guava
  • Pineapple
  • White flowers
  • Vanilla
  • Dairy

Some common aromas in red wine are:

  • Cherries
  • Blackberries
  • Raspberries
  • Currant
  • Dates and figs
  • Cinnamon
  • Nutmeg
  • Vanilla
  • Chocolate
  • Dried cooking herbs
  • Black pepper
  • Cedar
  • Damp earth
  • Mushrooms

What is the best way to drink red wine? For red wines, there are a few extra steps to have in mind, most importantly, regarding its texture. Red wine has gritty particles called tannins that cause a nice drying sensation in your tongue and palate. When you taste red wine, pay close attention to this sensation. 

The most essential part of drinking wine properly is doing it consciously and focused. Wine is enjoyable because it hides a whole lot of secrets in the form of aromas and flavors, and it’s your job to uncover them.

How to drink wine without hangover?

Hangovers are the worst part of drinking wine, or any other alcoholic drink for that matter. There are a lot of myths surrounding hangovers, so we’ll debunk some of them.

No particular wine gives worse hangovers compared to others. There are only two factors to consider if you want to avoid one. The amount of alcohol in wine, that can go anywhere between 7% and 16%, and the amount of wine you drink. 

There are a few tips that can help you reduce the probability of waking up with a hangover, though. The first one, drink water. If you can, drink a glass of water between each alcoholic drink. Dehydration is the leading cause of hangovers, and alcohol dehydrates you fast — that’s why you go to the bathroom so often while drinking. 

Another tip is making sure you don’t drink with an empty stomach. It’s not harmful in any way, but alcohol will reach your bloodstream faster, and it will make you feel worse. You’ll regret it in the morning, that’s for sure.

Finally, before you go to bed after an extensive wine tasting session or party, have a glass of water or hydrating drink and a pair of aspirins. You’ll wake up feeling great. 

Some people are afraid of sulfites. You’ve seen the warnings on wine labels, right? Well, there’s nothing to fear, and the compounds are harmless unless you’re allergic to them. Sulfites are antibacterial and antioxidants and are used to preserve wine; they’re rarely related to hangovers. 

Wine is fun and exciting, but it’s also unforgiving. Don’t abuse it, or you’ll have a terrible hangover to ruin your entire day. In moderation, you’ll wake up light and energized. 


How to drink wine with food

Food and wine pairings are an art form. They take years to master, but it’s not as hard as you might think. The key is finding food that goes well with a particular wine or the other way around. The best way of accomplishing this is by pairing food and wine by weight.

Pair food and wine by weight. 

Some wines are light-bodied. In whites, you’ll find Sauvignon Blanc, Albariño, or Pinot Grigio, for example. These white wines will pair nicely with light food like sushi, sashimi, ceviche, salads, and fresh cheese. Food that is lightly flavored and fresh.

Full-bodied white wines like Chardonnay need more flavorful food like roast chicken, tuna, or salmon. Food that is more intense and fattier.

For red wines, there are light and full-bodied wines as well. On the light side, Pinot Noir rules, and the most famous full-bodied red is Cabernet Sauvignon. 

Light-bodied red wines go well with fatty fish, roasted poultry, mushroom sauces, and Asian stir-fries. Full-bodied red wines are more enjoyable with a fatty charcoal-grilled steak, a burger, or a smoked brisket.

When in doubt, look for a well-rounded wine. Sparkling wine is not only the best wine for any celebration; it’s super versatile at the table as well. You can pair sparkling wine with everything from starters to dessert, and your guests will love it. 

So, what’s the secret? Sparkling wine has lots of acidity, so it counters all food and freshens your palate after every bite; that’s why it can tackle any food pairing you can think of. 

Drink Wine Like a Seasoned Pro

Now you know how to drink wine like an expert. From how to find aromas to how to avoid a hangover. The best part? The more you drink, the better you’re at it. You’ll become more proficient in finding wines you like, pairing wine with food, and even identifying wines without looking at the label. You can even help your friends choose a nice bottle they’ll like. 

Wine is all about sharing, so don’t forget to share your wine passion with your loved ones. The best way of drinking wine is with good company; that’s the real beauty of it, so make some calls and pop open a good bottle of wine!


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